International Awards for Special Achievement

Gyro International offers several awards to recognize special achievement by a Club, an individual Gyro, or group of Gyros, who through extraordinary efforts brought honour, recognition, special leadership or increased membership for the good of the order and to the benefit of this Organization.  A summary of each award is noted here.

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This award is given to a Gyro who has rendered exceptional service to his Club or District. The Merit Award is given to a Gyro who has performed a task or service when not expected, a man, who day in and day out, serves as a reminder of what true Gyro spirit means, a man who is indeed special and has provided exceptional service. It is not meant to be given because a Club Officer, President or Governor, has performed well serving in that particular capacity. This award is initiated by written application by a Club or a District Officer. It then must be approved by all the Officers of the candidates District and then submitted to Gyro International. It is then reviewed by the Executive Council for approval or denial. Merit Award application forms may be obtained from Gyro Headquarters. (See Section 2 of Article M. of Chapter 14 of the Bylaws) Criteria on page 12.

Past Recipient List                                         Criteria and Nomination Form


To be awarded for special or distinguished service to the Organization. The Honour Key is considered the highest award of the Organization and as such it symbolizes the recognition and appreciation of the entire membership. It is for service that transcends District boundaries, for giving exceptional time and talents supporting Gyro expansion, and for continued symbolism throughout the Fraternity, of what the Gyro spirit signifies. As well as outside service, that by his association, brings honour and recognition to the Gyro Organization. This honour is recommended by the Executive Council and approved by the Board of Governors. 

Past Recipient List                                         Criteria and Nomination Form


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Named after Past International President, Norman L. “Bud” Mitchell, this award is given annually at Convention to a Gyro in recognition of extraordinary service to the Gyro Fraternity in club and District affairs, in the promotion of external and internal expansion, in recognition of the unique esteem he holds among fellow Gyros, and for involvement in community, business or governmental affairs.

Any club may nominate a candidate by submitting his name to his District Governor. The District Officers will then select the most outstanding candidate and will, at least 75 days prior to the next Annual Convention, forward their selection to the International Secretary-Treasurer, who will present all nominations to the Executive Council. The Executive Council makes the selection (if any) and the recipient is notified in advance so that he may be presented with the award at the Annual Convention. This award is primarily for service during the calendar year, not for life-long contribution to the Organization. (Note: See Resolution BG64 passed July 1998 for more particulars of this award.) Criteria on page 14, Section D).

Past Recipient List                                         Criteria and Nomination Form



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Named after Honour Key recipient Ed Steinbacher, this award is given annually at Convention to a Gyro or Gyros in recognition of continuous distinguished service of 20 years or more to the Fraternity; in other words, to a Gyro who reflects the essence of friendship and has, literally, offered a “lifetime” to the success of this Organization.

Any District, club or Gyro may nominate a candidate by submitting his name to the Secretary-Treasurer at least 45 days prior to the next Annual Convention. The Secretary-Treasurer will then present all nominations to the Executive Council. The Executive Council makes the selection (if any) and the recipient(s) is/are notified in advance so that he or they may be presented with the award at the Annual Convention. (Criteria on page 15, Section D).

Past Recipient List                                        Criteria and Nomination Form

International Awards for Organizational Benefit

Gyro International provides recognition to individuals and clubs via several awards for efforts that are deemed either a “stimulant to growth” or “for the good of the Fraternity”. Generally, these awards are in the form of a plaque or a “cup” and are awarded annually, as appropriate.

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Since an informed membership is considered to be healthier and more active, it is recognized that a steady, frequent bulletin at the club level is of paramount importance to the well-being of all clubs. Gyro International conducts an annual contest of all club bulletins submitted, divided into three groups based upon the number of members in each club (Small:  1-19, Medium:  20-49, and Large:  50 & up).  The bulletins are judged by the Executive Council on regularity, format, content and activities listed. The three winners are named at the Convention, and awarded a plaque inscribed with the Editor’s name.

Past Recipient List

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This award is selected by the Executive Council and presented to the best club website, not only for appearance or quality of design, but also for content and District and International information.

Past Recipient List 

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Named in honor of George France, long-time publisher of the Gyroscope. This selection is based upon the content, arrangement and interest of an article submitted for publication within the Gyroscope. The winner has been selected solely by the Secretary-Treasurer but consultation with the EC can occur.

Past Recipient List  

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It is considered extremely important for District Governors to keep their clubs and International informed as to the activities of the District Officers, as well as information and activities from clubs in their District and from Gyro International. The Executive Council judges the Governors Bulletins submitted, on the same general criteria as listed for the club Bulletins. A suitable plaque is awarded the winning Governor at the Annual Convention.

Past Recipient List  


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This award is determined by the International Secretary-Treasurer based upon information on membership received at International Headquarters and dues collected. Awarded to clubs in three size categories for the largest number of new members during the fiscal year and are presented at the Annual Convention.

Past Recipient List  

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This award is given to an individual a group, or a club for outstanding contribution during the previous fiscal year towards external or internal expansion. It is awarded for being the principal motivator(s) of the chartering of a new club. If none is chartered, it may then be given to a club for the greatest percentage increase in membership, or to an individual that is deemed by the Organization to have made an outstanding contribution to expansion. The selection is made by a simple majority of the Board of Governors and the award is presented at the Convention banquet. A plaque will be given to the recipient(s) and the “Trophy’ will remain at Gyro Headquarters for safekeeping.

Past Recipient List